Adyliget park

name of work: Adyliget Park, community design
location: Budapest
year of design/realization: 2018/2019
landscape architects: Bettina Horváth, Árpád Kovács, Gábor Szohr, Dominika Tihanyi

The design site is located in the II. district of Budapest, which park plays a significant role in the life of the locals. The local government asked the residents for help with the renovation: after the opening picnic, our office prepared a concept plan during a 7 week workshop with community residents.

The aim of the inclusive community-basedplanning process was to help residents living nearby to take part in developingthe design of their own Community Park in the place of a barren andfunctionless space. By creating the landscapearchitecture concept, our goal was to maintain and strengthen existingfunctions and transport links and to create missing community spaces. Bystreamlining routes and properly positioning functions, we have created a newspace structure that aims to create a well-functioning park with aclose-to-nature character, but built from generous open spaces rather thancrowded functions. However, it was important to extend the values ​​of the parkin a community sense, thus this became the main guiding principle for renewal.

The main functional unitsof the spatial structure can be divided into two groups according to their use,the more natural and the active functions. The first group includes memorialsaround existing and future monuments, intimate points for relaxation in nature,and dog rest point. The use of natural materials and fit into the environmentplayed an important role in designing the active functions, including theplayground for many generations, the sports field and the meeting spaceconnecting the two functions.