
Name of project: The Durational Renewal of Víziváros
Location: Budapest
Authors: Bettina Horváth, Dominika Tihanyi

In the first phase of the renewal project of the part of the 2nd district in Budapest called Víziváros we aim to discover what makes this neighbourhood recognizable and a unique, local space. In regard of the physical aspects we are defining the soft and the unique elements of the image.

The two-year preparatory phase involves local residents in mapping, exploring and identifying the area by a number of programs, supporting the forming of street communities so we can model and identify the common ideas together regarding the future ofthe streets. Defining territorial units also facilitates the localization of development tasks and opportunities. Appointing the possible directions for long-term development should be done by durational strategy with the involvement of the activated local community. The ideal location of the involvement is Víziváros, that is the border of both the district and the planning area.

The preparatory phase of the long-term, 5-10-year urban rehabilitation process is the activation of local communities and networks, planning and setting up cultural actions, supporting and involving local activities, i.e. organizing community-building, awareness raising events and programs in order to form a common vision about the area. In the first two years of the urban rehabilitation project, the most important goal is to get more people involved in collective thinking so that the needs and knowledge of people living here can be reflected in the planning program.