January 10, 2008
The public art project aims to create a forum where people can communicate with each other about the city that they live in. This communication is enhanced by the aerial photo that is placed on the ground and carries the picture of Budapest.
June 14, 2008
The first intervention developed on the site was a two day temporary office created in Lumen Coffee House. In the ‘office’ visitors could learnabout the aims of the rehabilitation, leave notes with their opinions and learn about the upcoming Inner Courtyard Program.
June 16, 2008
During the Krúdy festival the first public art intervention developed on the site of Palota Quarter was an asphalt painting project. A well-known pattern that used to cover many walls of Budapest was painted on the asphalt surfaces of the streets that were going to be renewed.
October 10, 2008
The inner courtyard program in Palota Quarter aimed to transform the inner courtyards of houses into community places with the active participation of the residents. During the programme – set within the Budapest Downtown of Europe Programme - two inner courtyards were renewed.
April 4, 2009
The aim of the second asphalt painting project was to draw attention to the fact that all streets of Palota Quarter bear the names of famous writers and poets. Hence quotations of the well-known Hungarian writer, Gyula Krúdy were randomly painted on the surface of the asphalt.
September 10, 2009
The intervention named Open Gates Programme was realized on the occasion of the Cultural Heritage Days which is held each year in September. In 2008 the gates of 10 Szentkirályi Street and in 2010 1 Horánszky Street were opened to the public.
October 12, 2009
Local shopkeepers of Krúdy Gyula Street in Palota Quarter were involved in a project that focused on finding out and exposing their shops’ individual stories and myths. The collected stories are presented on little tablets that can still be found by the entrances of the shops.
April 10, 2010
Modern cities are transforming people with altering their relationship to time and space, they are subverting the meaning of the fundamental concepts of freedom and existence. The relevance of this almost 150-year-old idea created by modernization is unquestionable.
May 9, 2010
The project entitled ’Urban P.E.’, realized within Placcc festival, allowed people to exercise for free in the streets of Palotanegyed for the duration of 4 days with the help of exercise bars fixed to the facades of houses.
May 9, 2010
The aim of the project entitled ’Urban Salon’ - developed within PLACCC Fesztivál - was to create a temporary space in the city where one can spend time freely without the compulsory need to spend money.
November 15, 2011
The public art project aims to create a forum with the help of a surface where people can communicate with each other about the city part they live in. This communication is enhanced by the aerial photo that is placed on the ground and carries the picture of Palota Quarter, and stickers.
October 10, 2012
Commissioned by the municipality of the 8th district we edited the magazine called ‘Palace Quarter NOW’ that deals with the past, present, and future of the area. All articles were written by membersof the local civil group, that emerged parallel to the actions and rehabilitation process.
January 4, 2018
The labirinth is a 5000 year old symbol. According to greek mythology it is an impervious corridor structure. While wandering through the labirinth the visitor is ultimately becoming a user of the space because of the forming personal connection.