June 8, 2001

The Millenary Park is the result of a brown field development in the center of Buda, on the site of the former Ganz factory, built between 1844 and 1912. By 1989, after the closing of the Ganz Works, the site was surrounded by the dense residential areas of Buda center and the rehabilitation of the area became inevitable.

September 5, 2002

HVG defines itself as an economical and political journal, but it also deals with art and other cultural themes, altogether giving a comprehensive whole of the world's happenings from week to week. The concept of the park was devised on the basis of the character and role of the journal.

April 6, 2009

Our age - as one that could be described as a ‘new Renaissance’ - gives new perspectives in the ability to find and gain information easily. The building of the Library is in this context is an important focal point of the flow of information in the World.

September 15, 2011

The Southern part of the former Zsolnay factory area was the territory of the former production and storage. The concept of the park derives from the abundance of the site hence as design proposal the visualization of the process of succession was envisaged to take over the industrial site.

May 20, 2012

The renewal of the centrally located 275 m long and 27m wide promenade of the city – formerly a main road bearing heavy traffic – was envisaged as being the focal point of the overall inner city rehabilitation of Hódmezővásárhely.

June 30, 2012

As a part of the Tornyai János Cultural Urban rehabilitation program our planning task was to create the surroundings of the institutional and residential buildings in the quarter. Indeed the inner city has taken up a new look that aims to draw tourists and young people to the city.

May 1, 2013

In 2014 the 4th metro line of Budapest has been completed. The project area is the vast open space of the metro lines’ final station that is to be a temporary design for only a part of Etele square, as the districts' future plan is to renew the square together with the metro exit as a comprehensive whole.

September 1, 2014

The aim was to turn one of the most disadvantaged public parks of Budapest - which once was busy a marketplace, that devolved into a barren ill-reputed crime ridden and functionless space by the 1980s – into a community park through a series of workshops spanning 12 weeks open for anyone to join.

April 4, 2015

Karácsony Benő Park is constructed to host teens in order to spend free time in public space. Teens are invited to skate, bike to enrich their daily activities. The project was concieved in collaboration with Padka Project, a team of young skaters.

May 6, 2017

Wein János Park is an inner park situated in the 13th district of Budapest. The orthogonal spatial structure formed in the landscape architecture concept responds to the raster construction style and architectural style (ArtDeco, Bauhaus) typical of Újlipótváros, drawing on the design and plant use of the nearby St. Stephen's Park.

April 8, 2018

Fenyves Park is an important play area for children living in the neighborhood of Törökvész/Pasarét. The playground was renewed a few years ago, and now the park's unused foresty part has become a traffic education park.

April 8, 2019

The design site is located in the II. district of Budapest, which park plays a significant role in the life of the locals. The local government asked the residents for help with the renovation: after the opening picnic, our office prepared a concept plan during a 7 week workshop with community residents.

June 22, 2019

The aim of the inclusive community-based planning process in the 3rd district of Budapest was to help residents living nearby to take part in developing the design of their own Community Park in the place of a barren and functionless space.

July 1, 2019

The little pocket park is situated in a densly built up area of Buda. It is an urban oasis giving quality to every day life in the city.

June 6, 2020

The surroundings of the Gyarmati Dezső swimming complex aim to create a biodiverse setting to connect with nature.‍

June 10, 2020

Tát Budapesttől 46 km, Esztergomtól 8 km távolságra fekszik. Alacsony fekvése miatt vízelvezetési problémákra megoldást keresve előremutató vízgazdálkodási programhoz kapcsoltan a zöldfelületi rendszer fejlesztése is folyamatosan valósul meg.

September 1, 2024

In the outer part of the II. district of Budapest, on the border of Máriaremete, a renewed community park and its new pavilion building have opened their doors.